Rally to save TAFE

Date and Time: 
Thursday, August 16, 2012 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
State Library of Victoria 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne,

The need to campaign to save TAFE grows more urgent daily.

Since the Baillieu Government cut a savage $300 million from the TAFE sector, hundreds of teachers and support staff have been sacked, campuses are facing closure, courses have been shut down and fees have been massively increased for thousands of students.

We need to show this government how much Victorians care about the public TAFE system, which changes the lives of so many students every day.

TAFE has been a Victorian institution for over 150 years. The Government is meant to be its caretaker and ensure that it continues to provide opportunities for Victorians from all walks of life to receive education and training to build successful lives for themselves, their families and their communities.

We must fight these cuts. The Rally to Save TAFE will start at the Victorian State Library Green at 12pm, followed by a march to Parliament.

Please spread the word and join us on the day. TAFE is too important to lose.
