Significant nuclear news of the week

Australia’s nuclear news coincides with global news – in that Australia’s uranium industry is looking sick, and so is the world’s nuclear industry. BHP will not make a decision on expanding Olympic Dam uranium mine until 2014, and has lost interest in its previously planned Yeelirrie uranium project in WA. Cameco has shelved its Kyntire uranium project. ERA and Cameco made losses.Meanwhile General Electric’s chief Jeff Immelt, stunned the nuclear industry by stating that it was ’hard to justify’ costly nuclear energy, and that the future energy would be gas, wind, solar.

But – that didn’t stop Australia’s Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, flogging uranium sales to that very unstable part of the world – the Middle East, – (and we might take back their radioactive wastes later on, as UAE hopes)

In UK, French nuclear company EDF is trying to get funding partners for UK’s super expensive nuclear power plan. Despite all the hype from the nuclear industry, about the geewhiz new "Integral Fast Reactors" that would "eat nuclear waste", in fact the UK govt is fast tracking the (least bad) plan, for deep burial of its plutonium wastes

Climate change news – a top scientist for a USA conservative think tank has embarassed his funding body by announcing that climate change is real, and is human caused. But that doesn’t bother Queensland’s Liberal Party – who voted for a policy of banning climate change education in schools.

USA Militarism is in the air again, with nuclear expenditure rising to dizzying heights – for naval nuclear submarines $350 billion. USA Congress looking at a plan to base naval nuclear ships in Australia. Australia rejecting this plan, (but for how long, rejecting?) Both Obama and Romney going hawkish. The military -industrial complex getting enthused about drone weapons. To get some insight into the thinking of these people,check out the official logo (attached) of the USA company Unmanned Aviation and Strike Weapons . No, it is not a spoof. It is their real business logo.

In USA – a top secret nuclear weapons complex has closed temporarily, for security reasons. Yes, a naughty 82 year old anti nuclear nun got in there, and threw red paint on equipment, and offered the security staff coffee and prayers!. This dangerous terrorist is now in gaol, of course.

In Japan – a huge anti nuclear rally. Also – revelations coming out about how TEPCO has been ‘cooking’ the books and minimising the extent and seriousness of the radiation from Fukushima. Japanese Greens party formed.