Call for volunteers by Sovereign Union Interim National Unity Government

Sovereign Union Interim National Unity Government
Asserting sovereignty into governance
A message from Michael Anderson National Coordinator

The next Sovereign Union meeting is in Moree on 28-29 July 2012 and the details are on the website. If you have any enquiries call Alf Priestly in Moree on 0416 966 852 or my number 0427292492.

Our website is still under construction but growing daily. Right now we are wondering who is able to form a secretariat to speed up communications and admin.

Could you let us know through 2 emails and if you have time and energy to contribute in this area? If possible let us know by Saturday morning 28th July, before the Moree meeting, then we know who is available to contribute.

Also we are looking for translators into our own languages for parts of the website, and also translators for the other languages. To begin with it would be only about five pages of text for the vision statement.

Contact Michael
Mobile: 0427 292 492 - Email:



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