Fukuoka in India - South Melbourne Commons (Friends of the Earth) - Garden Film Fundraiser

Contact Phone: 
(03) 96825282
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, August 8, 2012 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
Image icon FukuokaFundraiser.jpg144.4 KB
Contact Name: 
Paul Miragliotta
South Melbourne Commons Hall Corner of Bank and Montague Street, South Melbourne (Double story, red brick, building next to church)

The South Melbourne Commons is proud to announce that we will be hosting a film fundraiser event for the Commons Garden. Masanobu Fukuoka in his film 'Fukuoka in India 'shares with the viewer the philosophy and techniques from his revolutionary farm in Japan, before embarking on a tour of India, traveling to a number of farms and villages.'

Join us in seeing this rare footage, which includes a demonstration of Fukuoka's unique clay ball strategy of broadcasting seeds and growing rice.

All money is plowed straight into the Commons soil to grow a productive and edible garden on site.

$5 Entry. Free herbal tea and popcorn. Fermentation taster plates for sale!
