Take 2 mins to hold the government accountable for discrimination of NT Aborigines



Dear PM At 11am this Saturday 21st July, Prime Minister Gillard is taking part in a live exercise of democracy, in which she will answer 3 questions from the public.

These questions are chosen according to how many online votes they receive. Voting ends today at 5pm.

In 3 days, our question has risen to 5th place.

It relates to how, despite widespread public opposition and UN condemnation, the Stronger Futures laws were passed, subjecting Aboriginal people in the NT to 10 more years of discrimination under the Intervention.

The Government is now refusing to allow a human rights test of the legislation by its own Human Rights Committee.

We want to ask the Prime Minister: why?

We need your help to make this happen.

Register and vote for our question

Each person is allowed to vote 7 times.

It's very close, and each vote will count.

Together we can make it to the top 3, and make human rights for Indigenous Australians a national priority.

Please share this action with as many people as you can.

And let's call for justice today.

Thank you,
on behalf of the Aboriginal people of the Northern Territory.

Damien Curtis
Campaign Director


  Stand For Freedom | 18 Redgate Rd | South Golden Beach | NSW | 2483 | Australia

If we win, Aboriginal leader from Central Australia, Barbara Shaw, will ask the question live to the PM.