WGAR News: "Vote for our question [on Stronger Futures] to the Prime Minister" Stand for Freedom

Newsletter date: 17 July 2012

- Urgent Action

Rollback the Intervention:
Urgent Request from Damien Curtis:
Stronger Futures question to Prime Minister Gillard
16 Jul 12: "Dear friends and supporters, ...
As many of you will know, the Stronger Futures legislation against which we have all been fighting was passed in the Senate at 2am on Thursday 28th June. It was brought before a near empty chamber, the night before Parliament’s winter break, following a backroom deal by Labour and the Opposition to pass the legislation without any substantial amendments.
In the words of Aboriginal leader Rev Dr Djiniyini Gondarra, the Government has declared a "war on democracy". ...
But for now, we have a key opportunity to pressure Prime Minister Julia Gillard to allow an independent human rights test of the legislation (which it would fail).
On 21st July, 3 questions will be put to the Prime Minister in an internationally live web broadcast. The questions will be chosen according to how many votes they receive.
PLEASE VOTE FOR OUR QUESTION TO THE PM by clicking the following link
http://oursay.org/s/2dt "

Stand for Freedom:
Vote for our question to the Prime Minister
"On July 21st, Deakin University, Google+, Fairfax and OurSay are hosting an Australian first: Prime Minister Julia Gillard will answer the public’s questions in a "Google Hangout", an internationally live web broadcast.
The questions will be chosen according to how many votes they receive.
We have submitted the following question:
Dear Prime Minister, the Stronger Futures legislation was recently passed in the Senate, subjecting Aboriginal people in the NT to 10 more years of Interventionist policy. This is despite overwhelming opposition expressed from Aboriginal leaders, national organisations, the general public and even condemnation from the United Nations. How can we call ourselves a country of the 'fair go' if the Government is now refusing to allow a human rights test of the legislation by the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Human Rights, as called for by the National Congress of Australia’s First Peoples? ...
Voting ends 5pm this Thursday."

- Related Urgent Action

avaaz.org community petitions: Putting Australia to the human rights test
22 Jun 12: "To Indigenous Affairs Minister Jenny Macklin
We urge you to allow the Parliamentary Committee on Humans Rights to examine control measures proposed in the the Stronger Futures Bill.
The legislation will impose control over Aboriginal communities in the NT for the next ten years and only by subjecting the measures to the scrutiny of the Parliamentary Committee will you ensure that the Government's policies comply with international human rights standards."

- Background

Respect and Listen compilation:
Requests for Stronger Futures to be scrutinized for Human Rights compliance
* Australian Lawyers Alliance - Assessment of Non-Compliance With Human Rights
* Take Action
* Media Releases, Letters, Statements
* News Articles]

Background: Calls for 'Stronger Futures' laws to be subject to Human Rights scrutiny
Last updated: 15 July 2012

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WGAR: Working Group for Aboriginal Rights (Australia)
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