Let the refugees in! Why Fortress Australia is killing refugees

Date and Time: 
Saturday, July 7, 2012 -
3:00pm to 6:00pm
Trades Hall, Victoria and Lygon Street, Melbourne (enter via Victoria Street)

Public forum hosted by Socialist Alternative Featuring:

- Liz Walsh, from the Refugee Action Collective
- Tony Kevin, author of 'A Certain Maratime Incident', a book uncovering the governments role in the sinking of the SIEV X
- A Tamil refugee who arrived in Australia by boat

In the wake of two asylum seeker boat tragedies, the entire political establishment has seen an opportunity to whip up hysteria about boat arrivals. While crying crocodile tears over the lives lost at sea, they propose policies that will only trash what little remains of refugee rights. Refugee supporters need to stand determinedly against this tide of reaction, reject all forms of offshore processing, and demand the government let refugees into Australia.
