Kin of Aboriginal Boer War veterans may have insurance entitlements - contact researcher

By Dale Kerwin

In 1899-1902 a number of Aboriginal men went to the 2nd Boer War as troopers, Light Horse Infantry men and trackers; some come home and some were left in South Africa.

The research I have done on these men has unearthed some major issues. These are insurances raised by the Commonwealth for the family of men who died in South Africa serving their country, men being buried in unmarked graves here in Australia and the most extreme, Aboriginal trackers being left in South Africa simply because they were Aboriginal.

If you know of anyone or you had a member who served in the 2nd Boer War you
may be entitled to some war compensation.

I believe there were more than 50 men who went to this conflict and they have not been remembered because of the various policies that were designed to write Aboriginal people out of Australian history.

I am conducting research into the Black Trackers who went to the 2nd Boer
War and believe the descendants of these men may be able to claim some of the
insurance monies raised. If you think you are a descendant please
contact me.

Dale Kerwin



Dale, Excited to hear of recent breakthrough in identifying a few of the Aboriginal troopers/trackers who went to South Africa. Keep up the great work - We will now have to alter or history books as some of the evidence is now seeing the light of day.
Peter Bakker
Aboriginal Military History