Stop slavery in New Zealand

Slavery should be a thing of the distant past. But as close as New Zealand, thousands of people are trapped performing slave labor. And the New Zealand government has reportedly done nothing about it for the last year.

Stand up for people in need in New Zealand. »

Human traffickers trick people, mainly from Asian countries such as Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam and Indonesia, into accepting positions abroad. Once outside their own countries, these people are made to work ridiculously long hours in order to pay off "debts". They often experience both mental and physical abuse.

Forced labour in agriculture and on fishing boats accounts for most of this, but the sex industry is involved too, with young women from Asia and Eastern Europe forced into prostitution.

Although New Zealand officials are aware of the problem, absolutely no prosecutions or convictions on human trafficking or forced labour charges were made last year or action taken to help victims, according to a report from the U.S. Department of State.

Tell New Zealand to take real action on this horrendous abuse of human rights immediately. »


Stop Slavery in New Zealand

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