Effective action for environmental and social justice: Ross House training day

Date and Time: 
Saturday, June 30, 2012 -
10:00am to 4:00pm
Ross House, 247 Flinders Lane, Melbourne

You've got the passion, but have you got the power? On Saturday 30 June, get skilled up for maximum effect at the Ross House all day training day with back to back workshops.

Each 90 minute workshop is $10 with all proceeds going back into the program. There are three workshops to choose from in each time period, plus discussions and opportunities to promote your campaign.

Workshops to chose from include:

Introduction to Campaigning
Campaign Planning and Strategy
Group Dynamics and Facilitation
Community Engagement
Campaign Strategy
Direct Action
Digital Campaigning
Activist Legal Rights

Free discussions / workshops include

Share Your Campaign in 5 Mins
Sustaining the Movement and Self Care

Workshop Facilitators
• Holly Hammond (Director of Plan to Win) - Campaign Planning
• Tim Norton (Digital Campaigns Coordinator, Oxfam) - Digital Campaigning
• Nicola Paris (Campaigner, The Last Stand) - Group Dynamics/Facilitation and Direct Action
• Shaun Murray (Spokesperson on Coal, Friends of the Earth Australia and Community Organiser for Quit Coal) - Direct Action
• Danya Jacobs (Lawyers for Forests) - Activist Legal Rights
• Sarah Harmer (Counselor and Women’s Advocate) - Sustaining the Movement and SC
• Aidan Ricketts (Lecturer, School of Law & Justice, Southern Cross University, author of The Activists' Handbook) - Community Engagement, Campiagn Strategy and Media

Bookings are essential. Places limited. Book online at: www.rosshouse.org.au or call 9650 1599
