Mass Rally: Justice for Assange

Date and Time: 
Sunday, July 1, 2012 -
12:00pm to 2:00pm
Image icon assange july 1st poster.jpg15.58 KB
State Library - Swanston St, Melbourne

RAP NEWS and other acts will perform live in support of Assange as well as a great list of speakers. Rally at the State Library and March to the City Square - 'Who's Square?"

It is time for the Australian people to take to the streets and Rally for Julian Assange and ensure he does not end up in the hands of the USA Government! Let's tell our Government it is time to protect our OWN citizens.

Julian Assange recently lost his appeal to the United Kingdom Supreme Court, which now means he will be extradited to Sweden for questioning but more dangerously Sweden is where he can be easily extradited to the USA under a temporary surrender regime that is included in the USA - Swedish bilateral agreement.

This dangerous EAW extradition to Sweden has been upheld despite Julian not being charged with any crime in any country.

We believe that the lack of support by the Australian Government is a sad inditement on the health of our democracy when our own citizens are not protected from the political manipulations of the USA.

The United Kingdom government could intervene to stop this extradition being carried out, as they did in the case of the war criminal Pinochet.

The Australian Government could apply much more pressure to bring Julian Assange home and yet they have been belligerently silent on the fate of an Australian citizen and award winning journalist

As such we are rallying around the globe to voice our dissent to the use of an award winning journalist by collusive governments to squash dissent, free and independent media, to deter whistleblowers and to erode our citizenry and civil liberties.
