Larissa Waters in Rio for The Greens

Greens Senator Larissa Waters is in Rio de Janeiro representing the Australian Greens at the UN Earth Summit.

In an email to Greens members she writes that on the first day she participated in the GLOBE legislators forum, where Parliamentarians from parliaments all over the world got together to share ideas, stories and to commit to holding governments to account: "It’s not enough to walk the walk, they have to talk the talk."

She signed the commitment to continue to push Australia to pass and enforce strong laws to protect the climate, biodiversity and our natural treasures.

She's made a short video about her first day:

"I will be making one of these videos everyday I’m in Rio, so make sure you are following me on Facebook ( or Twitter ( to get the latest from the conference floor at Rio. I will also be tweeting from the conference when I can and putting pictures on my Facebook page to keep everyone informed of the important and exciting work that is happening at the conference.

"One issue that is huge at Rio is the campaign to End Fossil Fuel Subsidies. Governments can’t stop climate change if they continue to fund it. If you are on Twitter, why not add your support to the global online campaign to stop fossil fuel subsidies by adding #EndFossilFuelSubsidies to your tweet. This topic was one of the most tweeted topics globally yesterday!"



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