Are you ready to work in a low carbon economy

Contact Phone: 
Date and Time: 
Tuesday, July 3, 2012 -
8:45am to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Peter Robertson
Carilo Gantner Theatre, Sidney Myer Building Swanston Street, University of Melbourne

The Carbon Market Institute Academic Symposium 2012 - Building Capacity for the New Carbon Economy, will be held 3 July, 2012 at Melbourne University Swanson Street Campus, Melbourne.
This one day Symposium will bring together the key industry leaders to inform educational providers of their organisation’s strategy and human capital needs in response to a price on carbon. The speakers will explain what large and small employers in the carbon market will need as our economy moves to a low carbon economy.
Australian industry is experiencing a paradigm shift of unprecedented scale with the introduction of the Clean Energy Legislative Package and 1 July commencement of the Emission Trading Scheme.
High calibre industry speakers from Legal, Accounting, Engineering, Energy, Finance, Project development and Agribusiness sectors will share their views and expertise. They will outline the capacity and knowledge gaps that need addressing through the provision of high quality education and training courses to meet the needs of the new carbon economy.
With global carbon markets forecast to grow to over $20 trillion by 2020, this symposium offers Deans of Faculty, Lecturers, indeed all academic staff associated with course development and VET practitioners within the tertiary education, an important strategic forum to discuss the educational needs of this rapidly developing international and domestic market and enable the development of education solutions to build human capital that meet industries needs and ensure Australian business are resourced to operate in the most effective and efficient manner.
The symposium will allow participants the opportunity to hear from and interact directly with carbon market Industry leaders and provide an invaluable opportunity to those responsible for developing education solutions for this rapidly growing market.