Do you stand for freedom?





To all who support the human rights of Indigenous Australians,




As Reconciliation Week draws to a close, we ask:


Can there be reconciliation when Aboriginal people in the Northern Territory are being oppressed by the prospect of 10 more years of the Intervention?


Are we a reconciled nation when the United Nations continues to condemn our Government for racial discrimination towards our First Peoples?


Elders across the Northern Territory have been declaring, loud and clear, that they do not want any part of the Stronger Futures legislation, which the Government will try to pass through the Senate on 18th June.

They want to be given back control over their own communities. And are tired of the lies that the Government is peddling about their consent to more draconian policymaking from Canberra.
It's time for us all to stand with them, and defeat this legislation once and for all.


Our online petition to stop it currently has 37,000 signatures.
We need to reach 100,000 before 18th June.


If you haven't already, please sign the petition, and tell those around you to join in.


This is Australia's dark secret, to which we must bring the light of awareness.

 We have also developed the Freedom Fighter Kit, for people to spread the word about the campaign in their own communities. If Kony 2012 can do it, so can we! Get the Kit

The Yolngu Statement, opposing the legislation and calling for self-determination, has been receiving support from communities across the NT, as well as mounting organisational endorsement. If you are an organisation and want to support the statement, add your name to the list


Please take action today.


We thank you for being part of this movement for change.


We will not stop until justice is delivered to our First Australians.


In unity and perseverance,


The Our Generation Team  




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