No charge. No trial. No appeal.

31,552 Australians have signed the petition calling for the right to appeal for refugees held in indefinite detention. Can you share the petition with your friends before it's delivered tomorrow? Click here to use the handy share tools:

Tomorrow will mark three weeks that Ranjini and her young sons -- aged six and nine -- have been held in the residential section of Villawood immigration centre. Their detention is indefinite. There have been no charges laid against them. They have no right of appeal.

Right now, the Attorney-General is considering a proposal to change that by setting up an independent appeals process for ASIO decisions that are currently kept in the dark: no oversight, no checks and balances.

Tomorrow at dusk, local GetUp members will gather by candlelight outside her Melbourne electorate office to deliver this national petition for justice. We have 36 hours left to show that Australians from every corner of the country stand with them for justice.

We've turned the petition into an online vigil so everyone can participate. Check it out and use the buttons on the page to invite your friends and family to be part of the online vigil for Ranjini and others like her family. Can you ask your friends and family to join you in signing the petition?

Candle for Justice - refugees

It's time for Attorney-General Nicola Roxon and Immigration Minister Chris Bowen to respond to the Parliament's own proposals - and to promise Australians that this will never happen again.

Please ask your friends to add their names to the online vigil now. Every extra name makes the candle glow brighter - and makes it clear that Australians across the country won't stand for detention without appeal.

In hope,
the GetUp team

PS - If you're in Melbourne tomorrow, please join the candlelight vigil in person. Click here for details.