Woodside and the shire of Broome taken to the Supreme Court by Elder

Gerry Georgatos
Goolarabooloo man Richard Hunter, a Traditional Owner of James Price Point, has launched a civil suit in the Supreme Court against Woodside Petroleum.

The Western Australian Environment Defenders Office (WAEDO) has launched the case on behalf of Mr Hunter. WAEDO on Monday May 28 wrote to Woodside and the shire of Broome to stop all works at the James Price Point site. WAEDO has given Woodside 48 hours to cease the works otherwise it will seek a court injunction.

WAEDO principal solicitor Josie Walker said that Woodside's seeking of retrospective and and new consent from the Kimberley Joint Development Assessment Panel (KJDAP) however without the shire of Broome's consent any such approvals may not stand up in Court as valid.

Ms Walker said the KJDAP consent cannot be given without a prior comprehensive report from the shire. WAEDP is suing the shire of Broome because they are allowing another party to make "a decision on their behalf" - this is an impropriety.

If the Supreme Court rules in favour of the WAEDO action Woodside would then have been proven to have committed an offence under the Planning Act WA and could be hence prosecuted.

Woodside Petroleum released a statement noting "it has the relevant consents and approvals required for the current program of engineering and environmental studies."

Richard Hunter is the brother of Goolarabooloo Elder Joseph Roe who as a Traditional Owner is also challenging Woodside, the state government and the Kimberley Land Council over James Price Point.