Perth Defend Julian Assange

Date and Time: 
Thursday, May 31, 2012 -
7:30pm to 8:30pm
Murray St Mall, Perth CBD

On Wednesday 30th of May, the British Supreme Court will decide on Julian Assange's final appeal against extradition to Sweden.

Protest actions are being planned in each state capital across Australia, demanding the Australian government use its power to prevent any effort by the United States government to have Assange sent to the US from Sweden.

Recent exposures by whistleblower website Wikileaks reveal the year long existence of a US sealed indictment order against Assange for his role in publishing diplomatic cables that implicate the US, Australian and other Western governments in war crimes and human rights abuses.

Leading US politicians have called for Assange's assasination and imprisonment.

Support this action! If Assange is extradicted, we will hold our protest. If he win his appeal, we will still gather for a celebratory speak out.

Stand up for Julian Assange and Wikileaks! Defend Bradley Manning! Defend Freedom and Speech!

Please support and spread widely.
