S.O.S. Day - Save Our Skipper! Melbourne event to save Captain Paul Watson

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, May 23, 2012 -
11:00am to 1:00pm
German Consulate 480 Punt Road, South Yarra, VIC 3141

We are gathering outside the German Consulate at 480 Punt Rd South Yarra this Wednesday lunchtime to call for the German Government to intervene and save Captain Paul Watson from the Costa Rican shark finning mafia as part of the S.O.S. Save Our Skipper! global day of action.

All around the world, Sea Shepherds will be making our voices heard at German embassies and consulates between 1100 and 1300 hours (local time). Organize or join the cacophony of voices at the closest German embassy or consulate and demand Captain Paul Watson’s freedom. We are confident that through your participation Germany will not carry out an extradition that would be the same as carrying out a death sentence. Captain Paul Watson’s enemies within the shark fin mafia are capable of reaching inside the prisons of Costa Rica. If extradited to Costa Rica, it is unlikely Captain Paul Watson would live to see the inside of a Costa Rican courthouse.

We ask that Captain Paul Watson’s supporters continue to be respectful in their messaging. We are confident that with your help the President of Costa Rica, the German Chancellor, and Honorable Ministers of Germany will safeguard Captain Paul Watson’s human rights by not bowing to bogus accusations of shark fin poachers who are nothing more than common criminals.


More details on the allegations can be found here:
http://ow.ly/aWz4n (video)

You are also invited to write to the German Ministry of Justice:

If you are interested in helping out with Sea Shepherd campaigning, then please sign up as an onshore volunteer.

Please spread this invite widely, and invite all your friends and family.
