Mary Valley celebrates this Saturday

The cheers that greeted Peter Garrett’s Remembrance Day “No “ to Traveston Crossing Dam still reverberate around the Mary Valley but this Saturday they’ll be mixed with the sounds of even more celebration.

(Coverage of the celebration by Noosa Community Radio at

From 3pm, the Kandanga Recreation grounds (behind the swimming pool) will come alive with music and festivity as residents and well-wishers celebrate the lifting of a yoke that had weighed them down for the past three and a half years.

Save the Mary River Coordinating Group president Glenda Pickersgill has extended an invitation to “everyone who had done anything to make sure this dam didn’t go ahead”.

“This has been an incredible rallying of a community, not just immediately following the announcement, but in the hard years since, when great depths of resilience were called upon to counter the government’s unwavering assertion that the dam was a ‘goer’”.

“The skills that people brought with them were unbelievably diverse, and this has meant a colourful, well-informed and creative campaign,” Ms Pickersgill said.

“From 3pm on Saturday we’ll feature some of the many performers who wrote songs about the Mary and which featured on our early “For the Love of Mary “ CD and some like the Barleyshakes who’ve penned songs since. As well as on-stage music, a jam tent with chalkboard entertainment, will operate throughout the day.

At 4pm there’ll be a special ceremony involving the “Knit for Mary” scarf. Initiated by Valley resident Dawn Gill and assisted by hundreds of knitters from far and wide, this scarf has become a vibrant symbol of a close-knit community, but one in danger of unraveling.

More music follows, including the Pomona Choir, until a special ceremony at 7pm.

After 7.45, the music continues with Hat Fitz and Cara Robinson, the Chardonnay Sippers and Barry Charles

There’s a Jumping Castle for the kids and a great range of food stalls.

Entry is by gold coin donation.

For those wanting to say overnight, camping is available near the Save the Mary Infocentre down by the station with a Sunday Morning breakfast available, proceeds going to AFTCRA, the Association for Freshwater Turtle research.

“We’ve had friends from far and wide in this campaign and hopefully many can be with us on Saturday. As well as celebrating, Saturday will be a chance to tell everyone about of the importance of having a say in the future for the Mary Valley. If there’s one thing we’ve learned from the past three and a half years, it’s the wonderful power of people working together toward a common end,” Ms Pickersgill said.

Save the Mary River Coordinating Group invite the entire community to join us in celebrating this momentous victory with music, poetry and good food on Saturday 12th December at Kandanga Recreation ground from 3pm till late.

There will also be a Mary Valley information night on Wed 16th Dec 7pm. at the Kandanga Hall. All welcome.

The Save the Mary River Coordinating Group will hold its Annual General Meeting on Thur 17th Dec 7pm at the Kandanga Hall.



Glenda Pickersgill (Save the Mary River Coordinating Group) 041 144 3589

David Kreutz (Save the Mary River Coordinating Group) 043 268 3147

Darryl Stewart (Greater Mary Association) 041 877 1655


More information about the federal process:

More information about the Save the Mary River Coordinating Group:

And Arkin Mackay adds:

On the subject of celebrating, it should be remembered that without Peter Garrett's decision to stop the dam, we wouldn't have a reason to celebrate! Why not send him a letter of thanks for listening to sound environmental & scientific advice and making the only sensible decision possible. Encourage him to maintain this stance and work with the state government on restoration and preservation of the Mary River!

For a bit of (almost) instant gratification, I've attached a PDF form letter that you can print, sign and send, or check out to download the same.

Of course, it's always better to use your own words, so consider writing your own letter or use the online contact form at

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