Wrap up of the week's nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson

Articles and links to sources for these items can be found at www.antinuclear.net and at www.nuclear-news.net

Olympic Damn uranium mine. There is doubt about the future of BHP Billiton's planned new mega mine (biggest man-made hole in the world). The project will cost about $30 billion to set up, before making one cent of profit - some 30 years hence. No wonder investors are a bit jittery about it. With the global economic down-turn, a slowing Chinese economy, low copper price, and continuing slide in uranium price, BHP is having second thoughts. Investment fund managers are relieved.

Of course, especially in the Australian media BHP executives Jacques Nasser and wonder boy Marius Kloppers are blaming it on the Australian government's mining tax, (even though uranium mining is exempt) and on the carbon tax. And, BHP is mounting a determined campaign against the unions. Subservient Australian federal and State governments vow to help BHP with their damn expansion.

Global warming. A revolutionary new research study shows that the Australasian region has warmed more over the past 5 years, than in the past 1000 years, and attributes this to man-made greenhouse emissions.

Muckaty nuclear waste dump plan. Australian Council of Trade Unions (ACTU) comes out strongly against this Northern Territory waste dump plan. Ian Howe explains the wisdom of temporary nuclear waste storage at Lucas Heights, and calls for a public inquiry and public discussion on Australia's nuclear wastes.

Radiation monitoring. The Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) doesn't do very much of this. Less than 1% of base stations in Australia have been radiation tested

Coal seam gas. Most of the scientists advising the federal government on coal-seam gas pollution have financial links with the mining industry.


Low level radiation research Studies of the Mortality of Atomic Bomb Survivors, Report 14 finds that the linear theory of radiation holds good, - as low doses increase, cancer risk increases.

Japan The Oi municipal assembly passed a new resolution Monday to restart Unit 3 and 4 reactors. Anti nuclear activists determined to continue their struggle. Japan still may get through summer without nuclear power - this would be a blow to nuclear and uranium industries. Radiation levels continue to increase in Tokyo Bay.

UK Controversy over what to do with Britain's huge amount of highly radioactive wastes. Govt offering incentives to counties to 'welcome' a waste dump. Shepway District Council wants the community to accept a waste dump on the wetlands of Romney Marsh in Kent - but is meeting much opposition. UK government trying to give French nuclear company EDF a subsidy, but make it look like not a subsidy. UK govt wary about France's new somewhat anti nuclear President.

USA. The ORC International survey find that the majority of Americans, whether Republican or Democrat, want renewable energy, and the phasing out of coal and nuclear. Military experts call for reduction in spending on nuclear weapons . USA quietly weakens its nuclear emergency procedures New Vogtle nuclear power project runs into trouble - huge cost overrun and delay.

India. A Member of Parliament calls for the scrapping of the nuclear power programme.

Africa. Uranium miners striking for better conditions and wages in Malawi, Namibia and Niger.