Broome Shire Rangers and WA Police issue move-on notices today to local civil anti-gas hub protestors at James Price Point

In the last hour Broome Shire Rangers have been issuing move on notices to camped protestors, all civil, at the Manari Road camp - so it appears all dissent needs to be crushed.

Most of the campers at this time are local residents not happy with the prospect of a gas hub.

On all tents where there were campers were not nearby move-on-notices were stuck to them.

There are thereabouts 200 WA police, in addition to local police, in Broome at this time to put an end to any dissent from protestors to the Woodside led joint venture of a gas hub processing plant at James Price Point. One of the proposal's biggest advocates is WA Premier Colin Barnett although he claimed the decision for the huge police presence in Broome was not his but that of WA Police Commissioner Karl O'Callaghan who claimed various police intelligence had indicated that the huge police presence, costing tax payers at least $100,000 per day, was warranted.

The local residents have said they wish to stay and express their dissent at any prospect of a $35 billion dollars gas hub processing plant in the pristine Kimberley.


Our police should not be doing the dirty work of Gas Corporations, they should be protecting our right to peaceful protest and standing in line with us

At which point did "our police" cease to be ours? And what does that make them? Thugs for hire?