Rally: End Indefinite Detention, End ASIO Checks on Refugees

Date and Time: 
Friday, May 25, 2012 -
12:30pm to 1:30pm
Department of Immigration and Citizenship Melbourne,

At least 56 refugees are facing indefinite detention after being declared a 'security threat' by ASIO. This includes two families with young children. They have no right to review or appeal the decision, nor do they have the right to know the grounds on which they have been rejected. Three Tamil refugees rejected by ASIO have attempted suicide in Broadmeadows detention centre. Alongside this mounting despair inside the camps, there is a growing chorus of outrage against this affront to natural justice. Join the Refugee Action Collective (Vic) in calling on the government to scrap ASIO checks. Refugees are threatened by persecution and danger, not a security threat. The government must act immediately to release the refugees into the community.
