Stop the Kangaroo Island seal slaughter

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Once hunted to the very edge of extinction, the South Australian fur seals have made a comeback, notably on Kangaroo Island. In fact, the seal population has recovered so much that certain interests are pushing for a cull.

Tell Parliament that slaughtering fur seals is the wrong move. »

According to the would-be slaughterers, the seals pose a problem for fish farms, that they are threatening the fairy penguins of Kangaroo Island and, most dubious of all, that a seal "harvest" would be profitable.

The first argument is not an excuse to kill wild animals. If the second becomes substantiated by scientific evidence then the answer is sterilisation, not slaughter, and the third is complete nonsense. »

Even if profit were a valid motive, which it isn’t, the economic argument holds no water.  The infamous seal cull in Canada only survives because of government subsidies - the market for seal pelts has collapsed.

There is no conceivable reason that the Kangaroo Island seals should be murdered.

Reject the calls for a Kangaroo Island seal cull. »

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Stop the Kangaroo Island Seal Slaughter!

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