Boomalli Aboriginal Artist Co-operative calls for donations of artwork from Indigenous and non-Indigenous artists

Contact Phone: 
02 9560 2541
Date and Time: 
Saturday, May 26, 2012 - 2:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
55-59 Flood Street Leichhardt. Sydney

Calling for donations of artwork from Indigenous and Non-Indigenous artists:

$300 day: SATURDAY the 26th of May at 2pm at Boomalli.

Boomalli Aboriginal Artist Co-operative is calling for donations in support of the ongoing artistic programming at their home gallery, our longest running Aboriginal Artists' Cooperative and flagship for self determination over the course of 25 years.

Boomalli Founding members are to be joined by more recent members and other Non-Indigenous artists and collectors alike in a show of solidarity for this historic arts organisation. Each are presenting artworks to the value of $300 towards an exhibition of a world class standard towards Boomalli's survival.

The title for this fundraiser is '300 hundred dollar day' and we hope you can generously donate works towards it, as Boomalli is still operating on volunteer love, without annual funding - we want to be able to maintain the exhibition and event programming that has been possible since the threat of closure in recent years.

We as a community have to get up and fight for Boomalli.

Artists and lovers of Indigenous NSW art need to show their support. There is still very little funding to be found for NSW art unless we instigate it. We are forever being overlooked by state and federal government art organisations overseen now by many Indigenous decision makers. We have individual artistic talent in New South Wales with many artists having their work exhibited in cultural institutions throughout this state, nationally and overseas. It’s the only way for NSW artistic self determination to succeed because no one else is going to do it for us.

Boomalli is also seeking support in the form of volunteering to assist in staging the fundraising exhibition and also to keep Boomalli's doors open on week days.

To arrange a time to drop off your works, contact:,

What: donations for Boomalli $300 day

Why: Because it is for one of the best causes that you will be asked to help

Where: 55-59 Flood Street Leichhardt. Sydney, NSW phone 02 9560 2541


Boomalli Aboriginal Artists Cooperative
55 - 59 Flood St, Leichhardt, NSW
+61 2 9560 2541

Please circulate to people who are passionate about Art and Artists who may want to assist,thanks,Bron
