Project Nishkam (Selfless): A lifeline to the South Philippines dying indigenous tribes

By Jamel Kaur

Blackburn Gurdwara Sahib in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia has been hosting a 20 ft. container, which is being sent on May 18th to the Mindanao region of the Philippines filled with food and basic essentials to help the Indigenous tribes that lost everything in recent floods and typhoon.

The project has been initiated by this year's Sikh Welfare Council of Victoria 'service' award recipient, Jessiee Kaur Singh who is the President of Women’s InterFaith Network Foundation and GreenFaith Australia and MultiFaith representative of UnitedSikhs and Sikh Council of Austrlia and Akal Purukh Ki Fauj.

The project is being carried out in conjunction with Bumblebee Global Renewal Projects. Pauline Crosby has been working for many years sending containers to communities in need around the world, selling homemade biscuits and cakes to help raise funds for shipping and freight charges. It is her logistical experience and passion that have been able to make these projects possible.

Both Pauline and Jessiee have spent the last month raising funds here at the Gurdwara as well as at other faith places of worship. The Zoroastrian community (which is only about 20 families strong) have donated 1000kg rice, boxes of oil, full cream milk, clothing and 500 pairs of sandals. There have also been donations from the Hindu, Muslim, Jewish, Aboriginal, Buddhist and Christian communities and individuals who see this as a very worthy cause and who are certain that 100% of whatever they donate is going directly to those afflicted without 'administrative' costs.

The project is appropriately called Nishkam, meaning selfless. It is truly a reflection on giving without expectation. It is our ‘Seva’. Our service to those in need.

The Gurdawaras of Melbourne have been donating rice, daal, full cream milk and funds. But the container to date (after being re-packed) is now only half full. They are also still about $3000 short on freight, shipping and tax costs.

In the spirit of 'vand ke shekena' -' share of honest earning' are asked to come forward and donate as we are capable of doing.

Project Nishkam is in need of cash, rice (about 5000 kilos more) and gardening / building tools.

A special offer has been made by Hindustan Imports in Dandenongs of $800 for 1,000 kilos if anyone likes to take that opportunity.

Everyone is invited to be part of the ‘send off’ service at 10am on 18th May 2012.

For more information Payments can be made to Women's InterFaith Foundation of Melbourne , Australia for Nishkam project Commonwealth Bank, Noble Park, Victoria CBA BSB: 063 154 Account: 1065 0635.

PLEASE Contact:
Jessiee Kaur Singh 0411 300 655 or 61 3 9547 8958
Pauline Crosby 9751 2635
Jamel Kaur
Ph. 0413 425 912

Dya Singh
5 James Street
Noble Park, Victoria 3174
Australia Tel: +613 95478958
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