Film Screening: Gasland

Contact Phone: 
9639 8622
Date and Time: 
Wednesday, May 9, 2012 -
12:30pm to 2:30pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
RUSU student meeting room, level 3, Bldg 8, RMIT (opposite gym).

Resistance RMIT club presents: Gasland

US film-maker Josh Fox discovered that in the race for 'cleaner' energy sources, the largest natural gas drilling boom in history is sweeping the globe. As the citizens of Gasland testify, the multi-million dollar business of fracking has contaminated the water supply, the corporate giants are covering up and the government has turned a blind eye. The film is a desperate plea for scrutiny of a powerful industry that has turned its eyes on unexplored territory: Australia.

Wednesday, May 9, 12:30pm.

Entry by donation. Film presented by RMIT Resistance Club. For info ph 9639 8622 or 0431 311 520.
