Pokies at the supermarket

Coles and Woolworths are in a supermarket war, spending millions on advertising each year to win over customers on our TV screens. They proudly tout their fresh food and good value, but they're less than open about their huge involvement in owning and operating more dangerous high loss poker machines than the top five Las Vegas casinos combined.

The supermarket giants are extremely sensitive to their brand and public perception, that's why we need to hit them where it hurts; with a targeted advertising campaign that directly reaches their customers. We're already well on our way - this new ad is already getting great news coverage and will be featured on Channel Ten's The Project at 6pm. We also know that senior management at both companies are right now deciding whether it's "worth it" to clean up their poker machines.

Now it's time to expose the truth to the people Coles and Woolworths care about most – their customers. Putting this ad on TV screens across Australia is the best and most visible way to meet them on their own turf.

Pokies Email Hero

We have our crack media buyers scouting the best possible spots but we need your help if we're going to have the impact we need to beat them on their own turf.

They've already heard directly from thousands of GetUp members who are shareholders, customers and even employees, asking them to clean up their act. Let's send the most visible message possible to serve as a huge incentive for whoever cleans up their poker machines first. Let's get this ad on the air: https://www.getup.org.au/campaigns/pokies-reform/pokies-people/get-this-ad-on-the-air

Thanks for making it happen,
Erin for the GetUp team
