The week's nuclear news, by Christina Macpherson


Uranium miner Toro Energy promotes quack scientist Doug Boreham 's speaking tours to preach the false gospel that low level radiation is harmless. Medical doctors call on Toro to stop this.

South Australia grants lease for Four Mile uranium mine - which is mainly owned by nuclear weapons making company. BHP Billiton and the Federal Government out to punish Aborignal elder Kevin Buzzacott, with legal costs for his one man battle against the planned Olympic Dam uranium mega-mine.

Northern Territory Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) will shut down Ranger open cut mine, in the context of their financial losses, and weather problems. But they are building huge underground infrastructure in the guise of "exploration" - as they do not have approval for underground mining.

ABORIGINAL leaders from Arnhem Land communities have threatened a revolt against the Federal Government’s Stronger Futures laws

Nuclear waste returning to Australia as contracted will join the much larger amount already stored at Lucas Heights, in a new waste facility to be built. Sutherland Shire Mayor understandably angry, as the Shire was not consulted by ANSTO .

Queensland Premier says no plans for uranium mining, desite pressure from Mt Isa Mayor - cum - nuclear lobbyist Tony McGrady

Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland Liberal governments fighting tooth and nail against action on climate change, against the carbon tax, renewable energy initiatives, like the Clean Energy Finance Corporation. Victoria's draconian laws stopping new wind power, while more favourable laws promote coal projects. Still new wind energy projects are starting up in NSW and S.A., and decentralised solar power racing ahead in all States.


India. Peoples Movement Against Nuclear Energy (PMANE) resumes the fast against Koodankulam nuclear project. India's Central Information Commission orders Nuclear Power Corporation of India to make public the safety reports on the project. India ramps up its nuclear arsenal with new long range missile.

North Korea preparing for 3rd nuclear test.

Israel - dissent over Netanyahu's aim to attack Iran - former PM and military leaders oppose this policy.

USA turmoil in Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) as pro nuclear enthusiasts attack safety-conscious chairman Jaczko

Japan to close last operational nuclear reactor on May 5.

UK in dilemma as 2 companies have pulled out of nuclear project. Meanwhile France, Japan, China compete for the building of Britain's new nuclear reactors. France demands that UK govt subsidises the build.

South Korea. Nuclear executives prosecuted for corruption.

Chernobyl - The world remembers Chernobyl on its anniversary. the suffering continues, with the health and social problems of Chernobyl's radiation evacuees

Iran. Hopes of a compromise plan. USA may let Iran partly enrich uranium.