This is our sacred place despite police and council

Gerry Georgatos
The five clans predominant in Nyoongar Tent Embassy stand defiant in refusing to leave Matagarup, three months after setting up the camp.

Elder Bella Bropho said, "We are still here at the Nyoongar Tent Embassy. We stand in peaceful protest for our sovereignty. We stand against the deal proposed by the WA government and the SWALSC representatives."

Mrs Bropho said there had been 5 police raids on Nyoongar Tent Embassy and on most occasions everything was taken from them. "Eventually, only Elder Herbert's wheelchair was returned by the Perth City Council and a box of books on Nyoongar history." This occurred after Nyoongar supporters went to an ordinary council meeting to argue for these.

"The orginal five family camps were destroyed by Perth City Council. The Tent Embassy camp was reestablished after each raid with the help of all our supporters," she said.

"We are without chairs, without warmth, without wood for fire, without tarpaulins, perishables, cooking stuff."

"We have no tents, no rugs, no foam mattresses, no water containers, no billy cans, no kettles, no eskies, no tin plates, the generator that we had and our lights are taken, everything taken by Perth City Council thanks to the WA Police."

"Everytime we replace resources, with the help of friends and supporters, there was another police supported council raid to take our resources, to starve us."

"Matagarup is registered with the Aboriginal Heritage Act, it has been upheld by Native Title to claimants and we have a right to be here at all times."

Nyoongar Tent Embassy activists said they are feel a cultural wave of support not only in WA however Australia-wide with Tent Embassies springing up in Bunbury, Port Hedland, Launceston, Moree and Brisbane.

"This is our sacred place despite police and council."
