2nd International Uranium Film Festival Rio de Janeiro 2012

Date and Time: 
Thursday, June 28, 2012 - 5:00pm to Saturday, July 14, 2012 - 8:00pm
Contact Email: 
Contact Name: 
Marcia Gomes
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Rio de Janeiro, Modern Art Museum, MAM

2nd INTERNATIONAL URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL - from June 28th to July 14th, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Museum of Modern Art (MAM)

Uranium Film Festival has selected 40 films aber nuclear power, uranium mining and nuclear accidents for the screenings June 28 to July 14, 2012, in Rio de Janeiro, a few days after the Rio plus 20. 4 Productions are from Australia.

Rio de Janeiro, 31 March, 2012 — From Einstein to Fukushima, from the first Atomic Bomb tests to the nuclear accident of Fukushima. The 2nd International Uranium Film Festival has now selected 40 documentaries, movies and animated shorts about nuclear issues that will screen at the cinema of the famous Modern Art Museum (MAM) of Rio de Janeiro 28 June to 14 July. The Uranium Film Festival is the most important showcase of "nuclear" films and "nuclear" filmmakers from all continents that sometimes risk their lives to produce their films. "We are proud that most of the selected films are Latin American Premiers and some are World Premiers", says Uranium Film Festival director Norbert G. Suchanek.

Soon the festival jury will also announce the winners of the feature and short film competitions who will receive the Uranium Film Festival Award, the "Yellow Oscar".

See here the Latin American Premieres:

The Red Button
Poland/USA, 2011, 52 min, Director/Direção Ewa Pieta, Miroslaw Grubek, Production/Produção: Miroslaw Grubek, Slawomir Grunberg

Atomic Bombs on The Planet Earth
The Netherlands & United Kingdom, 2011, 12 min, Director/Direção: Peter Greenaway, Production/Produção: Change Performing Arts of Milan.

Radioactive Wolves
Austria, 2011, 52 min, Director/Direção: Klaus Feichtenberger, Production/Produção: ORF

The Third Nuclear Bomb, The Veteran´s Accusation
Italy, 2008, 26 min, Director/Direção: Maurizio Torrealta, Production/Produção: Rainews24 / Radio Televisione Italiana

Quirra is a radioactive dump
Italy / Italia, 2011, 21 min, Director/Direção: Falviano Masella, Produção / Producer: Rainews24

Leonids Story
Germany / Ukraine, 2011, 19 min, Director/Direação: Rainer Ludwigs, Produção/Producer: Tetyana Chernyavska

Sacred Poison
USA, 2011, 30 min, Director/Direção: Yvonne Latty

Uranium - is it a country? Tracking the origins of nuclear power
Germany/Australia 2008, 53 min, Direção/Director: Kerstin Schnatz, Isabel Huber, Stephanie Auth.

Not for Public Release: a Nuclear Incident in Lock Haven
USA, 2010, 73 min, Director / Direção: Bill Keisling

Buried in Earthskin
South Africa, 2009, 50 min, Director / Direção Helena Kingwill

Blowin'in the Wind
Australia, 2005, 62 min, Director / Direção: David Bradbury, Production / Produção: Frontline Film Foundation

Indian Point – Nowhere to Run
USA, 2003, 29 min, Director/Direção: Tobe Carey

Jadugoda the black magic
India, 2009, 9 min, Director/Direção: Shriprakash

Chernobyl: The invisible thief
Germany, 2006, 59 min, Director/Direção: Christoph Boekel, Production/Produção: ARTE - WDR

Uranium: a poisoned legacy
France, 2009, 52 min, Director/Direção: Dominique Hennequin, Produção: Nomades TV, Charlotte Hennequin

The Secret and the Sacred. Two Worlds at Los Alamos.
Germany, 2003, 45 min, Direção: Claus Biegert, Produção: Denkmal-Film / Hessischer Rundfunk / arte

Rokkasho Rhapsody
Japan, 2006, 102 min, Director / Direção: Hitomi Kamanaka

Radioactivists: Protest in Japan since Fukushima
Germany, 2011, 72 min, Director/Direção: Julia Leser, Clarissa Seidel

Dangerous Drinkwater
Germany, 2010, 45 min, Director/Direção: Dethlev Cordts, Production/Produção: Dethlev Cordts for NDR German TV

Australian Atomic Confessions
Australia, 2005, 49 min, Director/Direção: Katherine Aigner

After the Day After
USA/EUA, 2011, 6 min, animation, Director/Direção: Nathan Meltz

Coffee Break
Sweden / Suécia, 2011, 14 min 30, Director/Direção: Marko Kattilakoski

Toxic Neglect
India, 2011, 9 min, Director/Direção: Moushumi Basu

One Day
Brasil, 2011, 16 min, Director/Direção: Alex Miranda, Produção / Production: Trator Filmes

World Premieres

USA, 2012, 18 min, Director/Direção: Yoko Kumano

08:15 de 1945
Brazil, 2012, 106 min, Director, Direção: Roberto Fernandez, Produção: O Movimento Falso Filmes

Once upon a Time in the Atomic City
Brasil/Italia, 2011, 13 min, Director/Direção: Riccardo Migliore

Uranium Decay
USA, 2011, 6 min 30, Director/Direção: Eve-Andree Laramee

Maralinga Pieces
Australia, 2012, 13 min, Director/Direção: Jessie Boylan

See complete film list on our website: www.uraniumfilmfestival.org


Marcia Gomes de Oliveira
Email: info@uraniumfilmfestival.org
Phone (0055) 21 - 2507 6704

Uranium Film Festival
Rua Monte Alegre 356 / 301
Rio de Janeiro / RJ
CEP 20240-190

INTERNATIONAL URANIUM FILM FESTIVAL - from June 28th to July 14th, 2012, Rio de Janeiro, Museum of Modern Art (MAM)