Congratulations and urgent next steps re: QLD election & commitment to nature reserves

Congratulations! Anna Bligh has just responded to 3876 emails from Queensland GetUp members, sent yesterday, with a new policy to protect the Bimblebox nature refuge and others like it from mining. In her letter to GetUp members, she wrote: “I can now confirm that Labor’s policy would have the effect of ruling out mining in areas like the Bimblebox nature refuge.”

Well done, and thank you - this is great news.

Thanks to you, Anna Bligh has done a great thing for Queensland's conservation areas and now it's Campbell Newman's turn: click here to ask him to make the same promise, before Queensland goes to the polls tomorrow --

Together we are asking Campbell Newman to do something bold, but right: ignore the fact that Clive Palmer, one of the richest men in Australia, is also one of the LNP's biggest donors. Mr Palmer's company wants to put an open cut coal mine inside a privately owned, legally classified nature refuge -- and that's just not on. Campbell Newman has already said he will protect the Scenic Rim, Golden Triangle and part of the Darling Downs region and has told our friends at Lock the Gate he would protect high conservation areas from coal and coal seam gas mining, but he still won't be drawn on a solid commitment regarding Bimblebox. So before Queenslands votes on Saturday, ask Campell Newman to promise he won't allow Clive's “China First” mine to go ahead, destroying Bimblebox:

Congratulations again - it's a privilege being part of this,
The GetUp team.