A parent's worst nightmare - Innocent son in an Egyptian jail

"It’s a terrible nightmare for my daughter and me -- our son and brother arrested and locked up on the other side of the world, no resolution in sight and we’re utterly powerless to help him." -- Roger Mackell, father of journalist Austin Mackell

He was reporting on a people’s struggle for democracy -- but now, Australian journalist Austin Mackell faces seven years in an Egyptian jail on “trumped up” charges. He was threatened, intimidated and denied a lawyer -- and his case could go to court any day now.

Austin knows he has no chance of defending the “baseless” claims without help -- yet with days ticking by, the Australian government is refusing to intervene. So Elizabeth Humphreys, the editor of a journal he writes for in Australia has made an urgent plea for Foreign Minister Bob Carr to speak out now.

Along with Austin’s parents and friends, she’s been calling for action for weeks -- but for the first time, media and politicians alike are sitting up and taking notice. Today, the Greens will table a Senate motion calling for action. It will put Minister Carr in the spotlight just days into his new job -- and a huge public call will ensure he takes this opportunity to speak out.

Click here to help ensure this chance to push for Austin’s freedom doesn’t slip away.

Austin Mackell, his translator Aliya Alwi and US student Derek Ludovici were researching a story when they were attacked by a small mob. Police removed the trio for their own protection -- but then charged them with “inciting riots”. Austin says the charges are based on a completely “fabricated” incident, and they’re part of escalating anti-foreign actions by Egypt’s ruling military council.

Time is running out for the government to act. Right now, the Egyptian public prosecutor is deciding whether to set a court date. If he does, it will be near impossible for Minister Carr to intervene -- and Austin Mackell could face seven years in jail.

Diplomatic pressure has worked before -- just last month, the US government mobilised its diplomatic networks to ensure a group of Americans facing similar charges were released. If Bob Carr speaks out, it could convince the council that pursuing the “bogus” charges is too costly. The Senate motion today provides the perfect platform for Minister Carr -- but only a huge surge of public support will ensure he uses it.

Click here to tell Minister Carr to make sure Austin Mackell isn’t jailed for doing his job.

Thanks for taking action on this,

Bobbi and the Change.org team