OM: Free Lunch for Free Speech

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, March 21, 2012 -
12:00pm to 5:00pm
Flagstaff Gardens, Melbourne

Come One, Come All...
Free Lunch for Free Speech!

The people of Melbourne's day in court is just around the bend, and while the proceedings are underway inside the Federal Court, supporters and all those who can't fit inside the courtroom are encouraged to gather for a Free Lunch for free Speech in neighbouring Flagstaff Gardens.

Bring something to eat, a plate of your favourite snacks, bake a cake, bring an extra bbq, some deck chairs, a picnic rug & let's enjoy each others company and make new friends in the gardens as we pursue the rule of law to stand up for our rights to free speech, free from authoritative oppression.

The hearing dates are:
Wed March 21
Thur March 22
Fri March 23

Flagstaff Gardens are located just to the north of the Federal Court of Australia, over LaTrobe Street. There is plenty of space, shady trees, water and a good view of the court from the park.

Please remember to bring an umbrella if it's sunny/rainy, sunscreen, coat/jacket, etc, as per weather conditions.

Note: There will be some lunch provided, but the idea of a Free Lunch for Free Speech is that everyone brings something we can all share in. Please consider inclusivity in selecting food that everyone can eat, ie; vegetarian/vegan, gluten free, low sugar, etc.

You make this event, so make it yours!
