Your CHOICE Move Your Money switching kit

The message to the big four banks is starting to hit home -- so far, more than 4,000 people have pledged to start looking for a better deal, and it's driving a national conversation about fairer banking in Australia.

Tomorrow is Move Your Money Day, and below is a quick update from CHOICE.

Cheers, Nathan and the team.



Thousands of Australians have already sent a message to the big four banks that it’s time to put consumers first.

To help you find a better deal, CHOICE has put together the Move Your Money switching kit which you can download here:

The kit gives you tips and advice on how you can find a better banking deal and help drive competition -- whether that's switching banks or negotiating with your existing bank.

Tomorrow, 15 March, is the 50th anniversary of World Consumer Rights Day, and this year CHOICE has also named it Move Your Money Day.

We are calling on thousands more Australians to join the Move Your Money campaign and send a message to the big four banks that enough is enough. 

Share the Move Your Money pledge with your friends and family and help create a more competitive, consumer-friendly banking sector in Australia. Click here to share on facebook.

Thanks for being part of the campaign! 

The CHOICE team.