Film screening & discussion: Uranium, is it a country?

Contact Phone: 
ph 9639 8622.
Date and Time: 
Thursday, November 19, 2009 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
Yarraville Community Centre, 114 Blackwood St, Yarraville.

A new documentary that traces the journey of Australian uranium from the outback to European nuclear plants. Followed by discussion with Jim Green, FOE anti-nuclear campaigner. Yarraville

A new documentary that traces the journey of Australian uranium from the outback to European nuclear plants.

Followed by discussion with Jim Green, FoE anti-nuclear campaigner.

With debates about climate change, there is a renewed push to take up the nuclear option. Both Ziggy Switkowski, head of the Australian Nuclear Sciences & Technology Organisation and Paul Howes, Australian Workers Union national secretary, say Australia is 'out of step' in rejecting nuclear energy. We disagree. Entry by donation.

Organised by Socialist Alliance and Green Left Weekly. For more info
