Colombia: European energy corporation plans to flood rainforest

The people are protesting against the embankment dam to be constructed in the rainforest.

Dear friends of the rainforest, the people living next to the Magdalena river in Colombia are fighting desperately for their homeland. A giant hydro-electric power plant is supposed to be built right there in the Amazon rainforest and therefore large parts of the land are planned to be flooded.

Constructor of this plant is the Spanish energy cooperation Endesa, which is a subsidiary of the Italian Enel cooperation.

The construction work is going to start on March 6th and the protest camps of the local farmers and fishermen have been evacuated by force. These people are in desperate need of our support.

Please sign our protest action here:

Take Action

Many thanks and best regards,

Klaus Schenck
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)