Contact Phone: 
02 66 295 738
Date and Time: 
Saturday, March 3, 2012 -
3:00pm to 6:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
Tara Blackman
FREE Yourself NOW!!! INTERNATIONAL ART EVENT DeBaptism Ceremony Saturday, March 3, 2012 3:00pm until 6:00pm Hyde Park, Sydney, near War Memorial Your invited to Join Her Divine Holiness Pope Alice and the ARAMIS Raelians in Hyde Park on Parade Day

Get Real with Infinite Love at the Sydney Mardi Gras DeBaptism Ceremony.

Free Yourself Now!!!, an international apostasy action to liberate humanity from religious bigotry, aggression and abuse has been announced by Pope Alice. “De-baptise now. Love is my religion. Love is revolution. Free Yourself in preparation for the Upcoming Vast Changes for Humanity.” Pope Alice says.

Internationally acclaimed celebrity Her Divine Holiness Pope Alice, our living gay heritage, a manifestation of extraterrestrial consciousness and a Mardi Gras icon, will conduct a DeBabtism Ceremony on Mardi Gras Parade Day in Hyde Park Sydney.

The event is to acknowledge the decision of all those who choose to debaptize (apostasize) from their homophobic religion. All are invited to this historic and internationally significant fun art event in Hyde Park on 3rd March at 3pm. Be among the first to apostasize. “Apostasize Now, avoid the rush.”

Pope Alice announced the event in support of her magnificent friends, the ARAMIS Raelians, who were banned from this year’s Parade, after twelve years of participation in Sydney Mardi Gras. The Raelians refused to modify their signage, “Homophobia is criminal Bible bullshit” and were consequently refused entry. This censorship has launched the Free Yourself Now!!! Apostasy Action worldwise. Today it’s Sydney, tomorrow it’s Rome…the Final Frontier.

Watch the Free Yourself Now! hit anthem on YouTube, “Free yourself now! Love is my religion. When you have no God, you have no chains, just infinite love. Boys can love boys, girls can love girls… Free yourself now. Love is our religion… There is no one to tell you who to love… Infinite Love!”

Free Yourself Now!!! Is an international Apostasy Event to prepare for the much-anticipated return of Jesus Christ. Mistaken for a god he is in fact the son of Yahweh, the leader of the Elohim, an extraterrestrial race of people. Jesus is a genetically engineered member of the Elohim race and the son of a human mother. The Elohim (those who come from the sky) will return with Jesus in the near future. So get busy, clean up your act to welcome the fleet of UFOs. Here is your BIG chance to be ready for this spectacular shift in the history of Planet Earth.

The Free Yourself Now!!! apostasy action is in line with the Great Apostasy predicted in the Third Secret of Fatima and also referred to in the New Testament. "Let no one in any way deceive you, for [the return of Jesus] will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction," (2 Thess. 2:3, NASB).

A spokesperson for the Pope Alice Xorporation said today, "Aggression towards homosexual people is a form of mental disorder and most often generated by people who lead miserable sex lives. This makes them jealous of others, who are blossoming in a different lifestyle."

Pope Alice commented, “You have a natural gender, religions have unnatural agendas.”

With sexual and spiritual liberation each individual can rise above the limitations imposed by homophobic religions. Free Yourself Now!!! De-baptize yourself!! Experience the Orgasm of Liberation from homophobic religion. And may a beatific relief flow over your whole existence.

For all those who want to cast off the shackles of their Medieval religion HDH Pope Alice will be there to witness your Declaration of Apostasy and congratulate you on your contribution to World Peace, Human Rights and most of all your own Freedom. The DeBaptism Ceremony is this Saturday, 3rd March (Mardi Gras Parade Day), at 3pm in Hyde Park, near the War Memorial.


We are All One.

For More Information, call 02 66295738 –
