Footscray DIY Punk gig - The Flying Rats, Bastard Squad, Hail Gun & Last Measure

Date and Time: 
Sunday, March 4, 2012 -
3:00pm to 8:00pm
Footscray Park - Ballarat Road, Footscray

There is a gig being held at Footscray park to raise money to help replace some music gear that was damaged at a previous D.I.Y. gig.

Time/Date: 3:00pm Sunday 4th of March 2012

Location: Footscray Park - Ballarat Road, Footscray

Bands: The Flying Rats, Bastard Squad, Hail Gun, & Last Measure.

Cost: Donation of what you can afford. Money goes toward replacing gear that got broken at the last DIY gig.

Other things: B.Y.O. (bring cans - no glass!)

Footscray Park gig 4th March, Time/Date: 3:00pm Sunday 4th of March 2012 Location: Footscray Park - Ballarat Road, FootscrayBands: The Flying Rats, Bastard Squad, Hail Gun, & Last Measure.Cost: Donation of what you can afford. Money goes toward replacing gear that got broken at the last DIY gig.Other things: B.Y.O. (bring cans - no glass!)



Ha ha

I saw am invite for this on couch surfers and went. It was a strange day but the bands were good and the people there were nice.