THE J14 movement with Sinai Inbal

Date and Time: 
Friday, February 24, 2012 -
4:00pm to 5:00pm
City Square - Occupy Melbourne Protest

The “July 14″ movement started when a group of young Israelis camped at the heart of Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, in protest of the rising housing costs. Tent camps then appeared in every major city in Israel. J14 is made of many Israeli Palestinian citizens who protest for equality and social justice. The protest began with students mainly from the middle and upper classes against the cost of housing in Tel Aviv, but as it broadened, the protest began to take up the issues of working conditions, homeless, refugees and immigrant workers as well as discriminations towards Arab people within Israel.

Presented by Sinai Inbal, an Arab Jewish activist from Israel who is currently visiting Australia. Inbal is a long time activist who has been involved with the Israeli Anarchists Against the Wall, the Sheikh Jarrah Solidarity movement and in the campaign in solidarity with Palestinian villages in the South Hebron Hills, which are constantly under attack by illegal Israeli settlers.

For more info:
