Save the rainforest of Alto Purús in Peru

Goeldi's monkeys live in Alto Purús (© Thomas Rawyler)

In Peru, plans are made to build a road through one of the biggest national parks. Located on the border to Brazil, Alto Purús protects a largely intact wilderness and houses a great variety of plants and animals. The road is mainly supposed to serve economic interests and poses a serious threat to the rainforest in the Purús Province. Also, at least two Indian tribes live in the national park in voluntary isolation. If the road is constructed, it will put an end to their peaceful living. For this reason, the park management and the local population object to the planned construction.

Please show them your support and sign our petition at so that the Alto Purús National Park stays protected.

Many thanks and best regards,

David Vollrath
Rainforest Rescue (Rettet den Regenwald e.V.)