BBQ: Celebrate 12 months of the Arab Spring

Contact Phone: 
9639 8622
Date and Time: 
Sunday, February 26, 2012 -
2:00pm to 5:00pm
Contact Email:
Contact Name: 
81 Rathmines St, Fairfield.

BBQ & Egyptian feast

Celebrate 12 months of the Arab Spring

The dramatic and stirring events in North Africa and the Middle East are showing the world the power of an aroused, determined and united people. The bloody, corrupt US-backed regimes are shaking. Celebrate these great days.

Speakers: Reham Maklad (representative of April 6 Movement),
Ghaleb Jaber (Gulf & Arabian Peninsula pro-democracy activist),
Mahmood Alfardan (coordinator Australian Bahrain Forum). Music & Egyptian feast (Halal food available). $20 (solidarity), $15 (waged), $10 (conc).
A fundraiser for Green Left Weekly. Children welcome. For more info ph 9639 8622 or 0413 377 978.
