Sabotaging solar

Using taxpayer money to subsidise the burning of native forests - sounds crazy, right? Yet Independent MP Rob Oakeshott has introduced a motion that if passed, would insert this provision into the government's renewable energy package.

Problem is, what it does is create a new market for logging native forests and then burning the waste, which experts believe will go far beyond a few small operators and reignite the nationwide 'forest wars' between old-growth and plantation timber. [1]

Right now demand for native forest products is crashing as customers request more sustainable supplies instead. Today between 80 and 95 per cent of Australia's sawn timber and wood panels are plantation-based.[2] The last thing we want is to reverse this trend and use taxpayer money to make logging old-growth forests more profitable again. We can stop this. Watch our new ad and sign the petition to key Independent MPs now.

The real irony is that paying loggers to burn native forests is part of the government's plan to boost renewable energy production and reduce emissions. Yet, native forests store potentially hundreds of years of carbon; we want to leave them exactly as they are.

Mr Oakeshott has stated that old-growth forests aren’t currently being logged and therefore they’ll still be protected under his proposal. Unfortunately this just isn’t the case – despite all the progress we’ve made native forests, including old-growth, are still being logged. That's why under the current climate change agreement, waste from plantation timber can be used and classed as renewable, but waste from native, old growth forests cannot. It’s a crucial difference for our environment, and a victory for common sense worth protecting.

We don't know how many days we have before the vote on Mr Oakeshott's motion, but we do know it's going to be close: Labor has made it clear they won’t support it, while the Coalition are expected to vote in favour. Other Independents are undecided.

Logging industry lobbyists have gone into overdrive trying to influence Independent MPs. The Independents need to hear from you - watch the video and sign the petition now.

Thanks for all that you do,

The GetUp team.

PS - Not only do native old-growth forests excel at taking carbon out of the atmosphere and storing it safely in the soil's living ecosystem, they give shelter to our iconic species, from the koala to the Tassie Devil. Do we really want to divert money away from carbon-positive renewables like solar, wind and geothermal to pay for the logging of native forests? Stand up for better policy now:

[1] [2] Judith Ajani, Economist, Fenner School at the Australian National University. 'Oakeshott’s call for wood-powered electricity means more logging', The Conversation.