Lessons from history: a guide to occupying the planet

Contact Phone: 
03 9388 - 0062
Date and Time: 
Monday, March 5, 2012 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
Image icon world_sweep.jpg73.92 KB
Contact Name: 
Freedom Socialist Party
Solidarity Salon 580 Sydney Road Brunswick 3056

12 Session Study Circle

As the Occupy Wall Street movement continues to focus attention on the global system of mass oppression known as capitalism, join us in a fascinating historical examination of how the workers’ movement has tackled the very question of how the 99% can take control of our planet. By midway through the 19th century it was obvious that, just as capitalism had become global in its reach, so the working peoples of the earth had to organise across national boundaries. Learn about the forces that led to the rise and fall of the First, Second, Third and Fourth Internationals. We’ll explore debates and discuss classic texts including Marx and Engel’s ground breaking Communist Manifesto and works by revolutionaries such as Vladimir Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Rosa Luxemburg Murry Weiss and Andrea Bauer.

Every second Monday from March 5 2012, 7.00pm
A hearty meal will be served at 6.30pm for an $8 donation

The discussion circle will be held at Solidarity Salon 580 Sydney Road, Brunswick
Take an Upfield train to Anstey station or number 19 North Coburg tram to Blyth Street. There is plenty of parking at the rear, off Staley Street.

Hosted by Freedom Socialist Party
For more information, phone 03-9388-0062 or email freedom.socialist.party@ozemail.com.au
