Israeli Apartheid Inc. Corporate Criminals BDS Tour

Date and Time: 
Friday, February 10, 2012 -
6:00pm to 9:00pm
Bourke St Mall

If you liked the protests against Israeli company Max Brenner you will love our Israeli Apartheid inc corporate tour of companies complicit in Palestinian oppression.

As part of the global Boycott Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) campaign, Students for Palestine is 2012 by taking on corporations in Melbourne's CBD that support the theft of Palestinian land and the brutality of the Israeli military.

We will begin our tour in the Bourke St Mall and then end at Max Brenner.

Look out for the Tour Guides dressed in Palestinian colours.

(For more info go to
Or call 0410 513 302



Don't forget to stop at Parliament house in Melbourne our state Government backs Israel and it's Murderers.What also needs to be done is to pressure America to stop sending Military Aid to Israel worth billions of American tax payers dollars, and now is the time to do it.The American economy is at a low if we boycott all American businesses which their tax dollars go to support Israel that should put pressure on the American Government by their own people if you stop American Aid you can hurt Israel more than you can by boycotting Israeli businesses.This is only a suggestion that I hope you will consider

Keep up the good work you are doing you all need a good pat on the back for your efforts so far.I will keep my eye's peeled for the Tour Guides dressed in Palestinian colours if not I will be at Max Brenner to show my support.Well done