(The State and the Future of) Radical Publishing

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, November 18, 2009 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email: 
Loophole Community Centre, 670-672 High st, Thornbury
www.barricade.org.au www.loopholecommunitycentre.org

Radical publishing has undergone significant changes due to new communication technologies and transformations within radical culture.

Gabriel Kuhn, an Austrian-born and Sweden-based writer and translator, has been involved in various radical publishing projects for twenty years and will discuss some of the key questions radical publishers and authors are facing today: Print or digital? Periodical or book? Academic or popular? DIY or press? Who are we writing for? What is the role of publishing within the movement?

Further questions depend on the interests of the audience whose active participation is strongly encouraged.
