Anarchism, White Supremacy, and Anti-Racist Action

Date and Time: 
Monday, November 16, 2009 -
7:00pm to 9:00pm
Contact Email:
Loophole Community Centre, 670-672 High St. Thornbury

In recent years, white supremacy and racism have been discussed increasingly within anarchist movements. The questions at stake are manifold: Why are western anarchist scenes predominantly white? Why is it difficult for anarchism to make inroads in non-western communities? Are there similarities between anarchism and indigenism? What are the experiences of groups like Bring the Ruckus or Anarchist People of Color (APOC) in the US? What are the experiences of Antifa groups in Europe? How can anarchists engage in effective anti-racist resistance? What is a "white ally"?

Gabriel Kuhn, an Austrian-born and Sweden-based writer and translator who has been active in anarchist politics in both Europe and North America for twenty years, will address these and similar questions in a short presentation, followed by a group discussion that will hopefully help us meet the challenges they imply.
