LASNET 2012 Annual Get Together Meeting

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 -
6:30pm to 9:00pm
LASNET Space, Trades Hall Basement, Cnr Lygon & Victoria Sts

Inspiring… Resisting… Creating New Possibilities For Change...
An invitation for all of those interested in Latin American Solidarity...

Our greetings for 2012 with our best wishes for this New Year, we wish the best for all those who struggling for a better world without injustices and exploitation.

We would like to thank all of you for support the Latin American people through the Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET) during last year.

We seek to continue putting into practice some of our main aims of building bridges and solidarity between Latin America, Australia and the Asia Pacific; organising globally to defend our peoples rights. We think that through unity, mutual solidarity, honesty and truth we can create spaces for mutual collaboration and more opportunities to work together supporting our communities and grassroots organisations across these regions.

LASNET was founded in 2002 during our First Latin America Solidarity Gathering where we built our ideas of solidarity between peoples in resistance across their varying struggles. Always we work collectively and to achieve our aims, commitments and projects with our people. If you would like to get involved, contribute, put forward your ideas, and play a key role in building bridges and organising globally, come to our 2012 annual meeting get together on Wednesday February 15 from 6:30 PM.

Our main purpose of this meeting is to plan and delegate tasks for the projects we are committed to undertaking this year. Thus, our current agenda for this meeting is as follows:

* Introduction, LASNET background
* Main commitments, Campaigns, Our priorities
* Solidarity delegation to Colombia
* International Multinational Monitor
* International visitors for 2012 from Chile (one of the president from CONFECH for April), a Colombian Union leader from SINALTRAINAL for May.
* Possible Gathering/Conference for end of the year
* LASNET members, friends and supporters commitments and responsibilities
* Our publication- The Spectre
* Fundraising and actions calendar

However, we wish to invite everyone to bring their fresh ideas, proposals, input and/or projects.

This is a chance to improve our solidarity work with your participation, ideas and proposals which will help to improve our participation in social movements for change.

To organise food and drinks please confirm your participation by e-mail or calling 0425 539 149, by Monday February 13.

If you cannot make it for this meeting let us know about your interest for future and you proposals, thanks.

The people united will never be defeated!

Latin American Solidarity Network (LASNET)

Building Solidarity with Latin America... Building Bridges... Organising Globally... The power of Grassroots Organisations
