Tenants Union Victoria - STOP WORK and Solidarity BBQ

Date and Time: 
Monday, February 6, 2012 -
10:00am to 4:00pm
Tenants Union Victoria Office, 55 Johnston Street (between Nicholson and Brunswick Streets), Fitzroy, Australia

SU Members at the Tenants Union Victoria are fighting for better pay and conditions!

We will be STOPPING WORK and invite all supporters and other community sector workers to join us. We will be out the front of the office on Johnston Street sending the message to TUV management from 10:00AM until 4:00PM.

There will be a Solidarity BBQ from 12:00PM until 2:00PM.

During 2011 we have been negotiating with management for a new workplace agreement that will form the basis of our rights at work.

TUV workers are some of the lowest paid in the community legal sector (and a million miles away from the national average wage) and are seeking pay and conditions common to most of the sector.

TUV workers are also employed under two different employment instruments with some workers missing out on basic conditions enjoyed by their workmates.

We're not putting up with it anymore.

Support our fight!

Stop by, have a chat and grab a sausage.

Help us make clear that our DEDICATION DOESN'T PAY THE RENT!

(cheers to the nurses for that great slogan).
