Invitation to use liturgy for a Mary River church service across Australia

** ***MEDIA RELEASE*** **

Monday 2nd November 2009

Church Service for the Mary River

Father Mark Franklin has been so moved by the social injustice that has occurred to the people of the Mary Valley over the proposed Traveston dam near Gympie that he has offered his church for an ecumenical prayer service dedicated to the Mary River and its communities.

“We will pray that our federal decision makers are guided by wisdom, and pray for those affected to date,” said Father Mark.

The service has been planned especially to pray for the federal politicians who are making an imminent decision about whether the state government’s proposed Mary River dam will have approval or not.

Reverend Iain Watt from the Uniting Church at Imbil will speak in an ecumenical liturgy which will also include an Indigenous ceremony. “In the face of injustice and displacement we need to continue to stand together against this outrageous treatment of people, as well as the proposed damage to the Mary River environment,” said Rev Watt.

The liturgy for the Mary River is available for other churches to use to gather in spirit with the people of the Mary Valley in prayer services around Australia.

The local service will be held at St Patrick’s Catholic Church, Church Street, in Pomona on Sunday 8th November at 3 pm, followed by a sausage sizzle hosted by the Noosa Catholic Parish.

An invitation is extended to all Sunshine Coast residents and church communities who would like to join with the people of the Mary Valley in the prayerful service.


Media contacts:

Fr Mark Franklin Noosa Catholic Parish 5447 1188

Rev Iain Watt Uniting Church, Gympie Parish 5488 6752

Adele Coombs Save the Mary River Coordinating Group 0427839165
