END:CIV with director Franklin López

Date and Time: 
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 -
7:00pm to 8:00pm
Image icon EndCiv_11x17_lowres.jpg729.56 KB
Loophole Community Centre - 670 High St Thornbury, Smelbs - http://pholecommunitycentre.org/

END:CIV to screen in Sydney followed by discussion with director
Franklin López. The screening will take place on Thursday February 2nd
at The Red Rattler at 6:30 PM. The Red Rattler is located at 6 Faversham
St. in Marrickville.


END:CIV illustrates the brutality of a civilization addicted to
systematic violence and environmental destruction, and the heroism of
those who confront it head-on.

As Australia is beginning to experience more frequent environmental
crises resulting from climate change and a history of poor environmental
management this film will be instrumental in bringing awareness of the
need to confront the system which allows this destruction to continue.

López’s will answer questions from the audience and lead a discussion
about the future of resistance in Australia.

He will also share his experiences having attended over 110 screenings
in America, Mexico, Canada and Japan.



I'll be there I love Lopez's work (especially It's the end of the world as we know it series and Why I love shoplifting from large corporations).

End:Civ is rather full on but I appreciate the fact that I takes a stance and sticks to it.

Franklin López - If you are in Melbourne Friday the 3rd of February to Sunday the 5th February 2012 we are running a D.I.Y. festival in Gembrook (about 1 1/2 hours drive or 2 hours on public from Melbourne C.B.D.). You probably have a rather full scheduled but it would be awesome if you could come down and if you are up for it maybe we could play some of your stuff at the Pirate Cinema or maybe you could give a bit of a talk about your work.

If you or anyone else are interested in it have a look at http://diyfest.angelfire.com/DIYfest.html or email us at diyfest@activist.com